Phentermine 37.5 mg

Phentermine 37.5 mg Overview

Since its initial FDA approval in 1959, phentermine has become the most popular prescription weight-loss drug in the United States.

The most commonly prescribed maximum daily dose remains 37.5 mg. This is due to its wide availability, strong effects, and the preferences of both doctors and patients.

What is Phentermine 37.5 mg?

white pills spilling out of a white bottle, next to a glass of water

Phentermine 37.5 mg is the highest and most popular dose of this weight loss medication.

  • Phentermine is a chemical stimulant that helps patients lose weight by activating the central nervous system to suppress appetite and boost energy. 
  • The “37.5” refers to the pills’ provided dose of phentermine. Each tablet or capsule contains 37.5 mg of phentermine hydrochloride (HCL). The quantity of inactive ingredients, such as fillers and dyes, does not affect this number.

Usage and Indications

Phentermine 37.5 mg is prescribed to help overweight and obese patients lose weight. It is typically recommended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) over:

  • 30 kg/m², or
  • 27 kg/m² if they have weight-related conditions like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or type 2 diabetes.

However, it is not suitable for everyone and can be particularly dangerous for patients with certain medical conditions or those taking other medications or supplements. Only a doctor can determine if this obesity medication is appropriate for you.

Duration of Treatment

woman hanging calendar on wall

Phentermine should only be taken for a few weeks at a time, typically prescribed for up to 12 weeks. Some doctors may recommend multiple rounds with breaks in between, but this must be evaluated individually. 

It should be part of a comprehensive weight loss plan with a calorie-restricted diet and regular exercise. Its goal is to complement healthy habits, not replace them.

Appearance: Capsules and Tablets

The appearance of phentermine 37.5 mg varies by country and manufacturer.

  • Tablets: Tablets are generally white with blue specks. These are often scored for easy splitting into two doses of 18.75 mg. This feature helps new users gradually increase their dosage and allows current users to taper off the medication gradually.
  • Capsules: Depending on the pharmaceutical company, capsules can come in various colors. People usually favor them because they are easier to swallow.

Brand-Name vs. Generic

Phentermine 37.5 mg is available as both brand-name (Adipex-P) and generic drugs. About 82% of users opt for generic options due to affordability, while some prefer brand-name versions like Adipex-P for perceived effectiveness.

Generic phentermine 37.5 mg tablet (white with blue specks, Able Laboratories Inc)
Able Laboratories Inc
Generic phentermine 37.5 mg capsule (white/oblong, Actavis Totowa LLC)
Actavis Totowa LLC
generic phentermine 37.5 mg tablet (white, K 25)
generic phentermine 37.5 mg capsule (K 29)
Adipex-P tablets
Adipex-P tablets
Adipex-P capsules
Adipex-P capsules

How to Take Phentermine 37.5 mg

Typically, one pill is taken per day on an empty stomach, either 30 minutes before breakfast or 1-2 hours after. Never exceed the prescribed dosage without consulting your doctor.

Side Effects

Though effective, phentermine can cause a range of side effects, from mild to severe. Be aware of these potential symptoms and consult your doctor if any side effect persists or worsens.

Where to Buy

Phentermine is sold at most major pharmacies but requires a prescription. Purchasing phentermine online in the U.S. is illegal, and doing so poses risks of receiving counterfeit products. The cost ranges from $18 for generic pills to $87 for Adipex-P capsules per month. Prices vary based on brand and type (tablet or capsule).

Is Phentermine 37.5 mg Right for You?

While it is the most popular dose, it is not suitable for everyone. Compared to lower doses, it often produces stronger reactions in terms of side effects and effectiveness. The optimal dosage varies widely among patients.


Phentermine 37.5 mg is a highly effective weight loss medication but must be used under medical supervision due to potential side effects and contraindications.

For those looking for alternatives to prescription medications without the drawbacks, products like PhenQ offer weight loss solutions without requiring a prescription or causing side effects.

Note: Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new medication or weight loss program.