
What’s The Difference Between Phen Caps And Phentermine?

phen caps and phentermine

Phen Caps is an effective weight loss supplement, but many of you ask us: what is the difference between Phen Caps and phentermine?

Here we explain everything you need to know!

What Are Phen Caps?

Phen Caps is a weight loss supplement sold on Phen.com, designed to help you lose weight by suppressing appetite and boosting energy levels, working in the same way that phentermine does.

However, unlike phentermine, Phen Caps are available without a prescription, meaning that if you are unable to get a prescription for phentermine, then you can still get the weight loss boost you need.

What’s The Difference Between Phen Caps And Phentermine?

Although phentermine and Phen Caps work in similar ways to give you the same effects, the main differences between them relate to the active ingredients they contain.

The active ingredient of phentermine is phentermine HCL, which is structurally similar to amphetamine.

When referring to the milligrams of phentermine, which can range from 15mg to 37.5mg, this number refers to the amount of phentermine HCL in each phentermine capsule or tablet.

Phentermine HCL is a controlled substance, and so anything which contains this ingredient is therefore prescription-only and not available to buy without being prescribed this specific medication by a doctor, meaning that Phen Caps cannot and do not contain phentermine HCL.

By comparison, Phen Caps contain nine active ingredients which work together to help control your appetite, and boost energy levels and metabolism.

How Do Phen Caps Work?

Like phentermine, which is primarily an appetite suppressant, Phen Caps also help to curb hunger and reduce cravings, suppressing appetite through a combination of Phenylethylamine (PEA) and Caralluma.

By stimulating the release of dopamine, PEA reduces appetite while also improving your mood, indicating that Phen Caps will not only help suppress your appetite but also reduce the chance of giving in to cravings and binges related to emotional hunger.

Caralluma is a type of cactus with natural appetite-suppressing benefits, as confirmed by research that showed that caralluma can significantly reduce cravings and suppress hunger throughout the day, making Phen Caps perfect for those who struggle with these issues.

Phentermine is also a stimulant. Therefore, it boosts energy levels and motivates you to be more active.

Phen Caps are designed to have similar energy boosting properties, using a combination of caffeine and theobromine, two stimulants that have been shown to increase energy levels, making exercise easier and inspiring you to be motivated to keep fit as part of your new healthy lifestyle.

Additionally, Phen Caps contain the ingredients Synephrine, Raspberry Ketone, and L-Carnitine, which all stimulate the body to break down fat and burn calories by boosting your metabolism.

Avoid The Side Effects

Avoid The Side Effects

Phentermine is an effective weight loss medication, but it can produce several negative side effects, including a dry mouth, dizziness, constipation, and insomnia.

In contrast, Phen Caps have no known side effects. It is also recommended that phentermine not be taken for more than 12 weeks at a time due to the effects it can have on the heart, such as increased blood pressure and a rapid heart rate.

By comparison, Phen Caps contain theobromine, which is used to treat high blood pressure, and Crataegus spp.

Extract, which is widely recognized for its benefits for cardiovascular health, makes Phen Caps a great weight loss alternative for those who prefer to avoid the side effects or health risks of phentermine.

Phen Caps And Phentermine: A Winning Combination

Many people take Phen Caps after their phentermine prescription comes to an end.

People taking phentermine can sometimes find that it reduces in effectiveness towards the end of their prescription or that their hunger returns later in the day. Hence, they decide to stop taking the medication.

Transitioning to Phen Caps from phentermine is a great way to continue to manage your hunger levels so that you don’t eat too much and so that you can make good food choices during the afternoon and in the evening, which is when a lot of people struggle with cravings due to low energy and habits such as mindless snacking in front of the TV.

We recommend taking one Phen Cap pill in the morning before breakfast and another before lunch. Due to the stimulant effects of both Phen Caps and phentermine, it is not advisable to take either any later in the day.

Have you tried Phen Caps yourself? Let us know by commenting below!

Sally Cohen

Sally Cohen is a certified nutritionist passionate about promoting health at any size.

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  1. Phentermine is the prescription diet med that’s been in pharmacies for years. Phen caps is just an OTC med — they’re all pretty much alike, no matter what the name. One company makes them with several different brand names on them. OTC meds are usually plant materials, caffeine and like ingredients, not chemicals like prescription drugs.

    Also, you can tell by advertising. OTC combinations have lots of full-page ads with too-good-to-be-true claims and excited language about new and great and all that. The meds diet doctors recommend do not advertise on the net like that. That’s how you know the difference, too.

  2. If I have a weak heart muscle and can’t take Phentermine can I take phen caps with no worries that it will damage my heart.

    1. Hi Carmen, thanks for your comment! Definitely check with your doctor about this. Phen Caps contain caffeine and other natural stimulants, so they may or may not be a suitable option for you given your heart condition. Your personal doctor/cardiologist would be the best person to assess whether this supplement is safe for you. For your (and their) reference, here is a link to the full ingredient list of Phen Caps: https://www.phen.com/pages/phen-caps
      Rachel, phentermine.com

  3. Phentermine 37.5 is what i am on so it is ok to take phen cap with this also its like i have lost inches but not weight is that normal i am getting married 2019 i am 240 and 5’3 is 175 a decent weight loss

    1. Hi Nena!

      There’s no contraindications between phentermine and weight loss supplements such as Phen Caps; just be sure to check with your prescribing doctor before adding or subtracting any medicines or supplements while on your phentermine treatment. It’s also perfectly normal to lose inches, but not ‘weight’, especially if you’re also doing exercises…it means you are turning fat into lean muscle, a good transition into a healthy lifestyle. The most important thing to remember while you’re in your phentermine treatment is to consider it as ‘training wheels’ for a better, healthy lifestyle (better nutrition and exercise habits). Lifestyle changes are the only things that will guarantee long-term weight loss and avoid the dreaded ‘weight rebound’.

      Best of luck with your goals!



  4. I was on phentermine 37.5 for just over a year. I lost 86 pounds, but regained
    17. I put myself back on the phentermine and lost 12 pounds. Now I
    have gained 6 more (and climbing). I know my new doctor will not
    prescribe phentermine for me and I am considering Phen cap.
    Comments, please?

  5. Good Day, can you please help me. I am looking to purchase Phentermine however I see one of the ingredients there is gelatin. Can you verify if this is beef or pork gelatin? I am muslim and wouldn’t want to consume anything that has pork ingredients

    1. Hi. I don’t know if you found your answer yet or not but I was just reading a comparison of phen caps and phen 375 and it said both were vegetarian friendly. Hope that is true. Good luck!

  6. Just started Phen caps today had been on phentermine for a year now. The effects are great of phentermine but towards the end my weight loss slowed down. Hoping for great results from the Phen caps. I will keep you posted in another week or so.

    1. Hi. I was hoping to get an update from you.I am considering ordering the phencaps. It has been years since being on phentermine, but I don’t want to see a doctor about it. Thanks!

  7. I just ordered the phen caps and would like some information from people who have been taking and how it works

    1. yeh I am taking the phen caps on here, they are good – not as strong as real phen from the doctor but easier to get for me since I moved and a good option. I didn’t like the drink so I sent that back for a refund no problem. It gives me good energy and keeps my mind off food more so I can avoid crave foods like cookies more.